September Special Saturday Morning Yin Yang price: regular • date: Sept 5 – 12 – 19 - 26 • time: 9.30 to 10.45 In this lesson, we balance the more gentle and introspective Yin style with the active and dynamic Yang. In Yin we hold poses roughly 2 to 5 minutes so that we stimulate the meridian lines and affect the deeper layers of connective tissues. In Yang, poses are held for a few breaths and muscles are actively engaged. Depending on the intention for the lesson, class may start with Yin and end with Yang, or begin with Yang and end with Yin. Come and experience it for yourself. At the end of the lesson, your energy flows and your mind is at rest. Subscribe through the normal class schedule. Laan der Hesperiden 142 1076 DX Amsterdam 020-8223144